20 research outputs found

    GIS Analysis of Grazing Selection by Goats in Tov Province, Mongolia

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    Abstract: In Mongolia, the rapid grassland degradation induced by overgrazing in these years is assumed to worsen the disaster called dzud. In this study, we attempted to monitor the grazing behavior of flock of goats in connection with the vegetative and topographic environments in Mongolian grassland. From the results of the GIS analysis, goats' movement in the grazing situation is found out to be less than the velocity of 4 km h -1 and the mode value to be ca. 0.4 km h -1 . Slight correlation (r=0.67) of the grazing velocity with NDVI value was found

    Early identification of Tuta absoluta in tomato plants using deep learning

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    This research article published by Elsevier B.V., 2020The agricultural sector is highly challenged by plant pests and diseases. A high–yielding crop, such as tomato with high economic returns, can greatly increase the income of small- holder farmers income when its health is maintained. This work introduces an approach to strengthen phytosanitary capacity and systems to help solve tomato plant pest Tuta ab- soluta devastation at early tomato growth stages. We present a deep learning approach to identify tomato leaf miner pest ( Tuta absoluta ) invasion. The Convolutional Neural Network architectures (VGG16, VGG19, and ResNet50) were used in training classifiers on tomato image dataset captured from the field containing healthy and infested tomato leaves. We evaluated performance of each classifier by considering accuracy of classifying the tomato canopy into correct category. Experimental results show that VGG16 attained the high- est accuracy of 91.9% in classifying tomato plant leaves into correct categories. Our model may be used to establish methods for early detection of Tuta absoluta pest invasion at early tomato growth stages, hence assisting farmers overcome yield losses

    Quantification of Amu River Riverbank Erosion in Balkh Province of Afghanistan during 2004–2020

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    In this study, we propose quantifying the Amu River riverbank erosion with the modelled river discharge in Kaldar District, Balkh Province of Afghanistan from 2004 to 2020. We propose a framework synergizing multi-source information for modelling the erosion area based on three components: (1) river discharge, (2) river width, and (3) erosion area. The total river discharge for the watershed shared by Afghanistan and Tajikistan was modelled using hydrological parameters from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) data through multivariate linear regression with ground station data. The river width was determined manually using the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) derived from Landsat data. The riverbank erosion area was derived from the digital shoreline analysis using the NDWI. The digital shoreline analysis showed that, between 2008 and 2020, the average riverbank erosion area in Kaldar District is about 5.4 km2 per year, and, overall, 86.3 km2 during 2004–2020 due to flood events. The significantly higher land loss events occurred at 10 km2 bank erosion during the years 2008–2009 and 2015–2016, and 19 km2 peak erosion occurred during 2011–2012. A linear relation between the erosion area with respect to the discharge intensity and the specific stream power was observed with an R2 of 0.84 and RMSE of 1.761 for both

    モンゴル ソウチ ニ オケル MODIS データ ヲ モチイタ バイオマス スイテイ オヨビ コウウ オウトウセイ

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    モンゴルで頻発しているゾド(冬季の異常寒波)は,先行して起きる夏季の草地劣化が助長要因の一つである.計画的な放牧のために,夏季の草地状況を広域的かつ連続的に把握することが必要である.また,モンゴルの植生は降雨量の多寡に影響されることが知られており,降雨量によりバイオマスの分布をある程度予測できる.しかし,近年都市周辺の過放牧が深刻化しているため,降雨量とバイオマスの関係が変化していると考えられる.本研究では,MODISデータを用いたバイオマス推定手法を考案した.次に,降雨量に対するバイオマスの応答性を評価し,現地測定したバイオマスとMODIS-LAI(葉面積指数)データの関係からバイオマス推定式を考案した.これまで広く利用されてきたMODIS-NDVI(正規化植生指数)データよりもMODIS-LAIデータを用いた方が,良好な精度で推定できることを示した.次に,降雨量とバイオマスの関係を解析した結果,森林域が近い北部のモンゴル草地と半沙漠域に位置する南部の草地において相関が認められた.したがって北部および南部は,降雨量の多寡にバイオマスが応答していることが示唆された.しかし,首都ウランバートルが位置する中部の草地では,降雨量とバイオマスとの間に相関が認められず,バイオマスは降雨量以外の要因に影響されていることを示した.In recent decades, global climate change and overgrazing has caused grassland degradation in Mongolia. Key industry is livestock husbandry by nomads in this country. However, the damage called dzud which death of livestock by pasture shortage due to grassland degradation has occurred. Thus, development of biomass estimation method and understanding of biomass response to precipitation and the characteristics for planned grazing are needed. Firstly, in order to calculate the biomass estimating equation from MODIS imagery, a regression analysis was performed using the amount of biomass from field survey and vegetation index from MODIS-NDVI and MODIS-LAI in 2003 to 2012. Secondly the relationship and response to estimated biomass from MODIS imagery and precipitation was investigated. Then analysis was conducted in three areas: north area near forest region, central area including Ulan Bator and south area near Gobi desert. As a result, it was found that the accuracy of biomass estimating equation using MODIS-LAI was higher than that using MODIS-NDVI. It was found that biomass reached a peak in the summer season (July or Aug.), and after that, rapidly decreased in each area every year. Precipitation had slightly increased for 10 years in north and central areas, however biomass was remained static. Moreover a significant correlation was found between biomass and precipitation in the north and south area but not the central area. Thus the biomass response to precipitation is shown in north and south areas. It is suggested that condition of grassland degradation by overgrazing exist in the central area, since no relationship exists between precipitation and biomass

    モンゴルソウチ ニ オケル ショクセイチョウサ ト パターンテンカイホウ ヲ モチイタ ドジョウスイブンスイテイ

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    本研究では,モンゴル草地における植生調査とパターン展開法を応用した土壌水分推定手法について,現地調査データへの適用を試みた。調査はモンゴルのトブ県,ドンドゴビ県とヘンティ県における牧草地や耕作放棄地など多様な土地利用状況における全10箇所を対象地とした。植生調査は,植被率の算出と坪刈りによる植物種の同定を行った。次に,可視・近赤外波長域(350-1050nm)が観測可能なセンサを持つ分光放射計を用いて,土壌分光反射率を測定した。分光反射率は,衛星画像への適用を考慮に入れ測定波長域を4バンドに分類し,解析では各バンドの平均値を利用した。植生調査の結果,いずれの調査地においてもイネ科植物が生息していた。また,植被率が同程度の地域でも,土壌水分量に差異が認められた。著者らは,既にパターン展開法を応用した土壌水分推定手法を報告している。屋外実験により測定した土壌分光反射曲線(反射パターン)が,土壌含水比の低下に伴い直線形状に近づいたことから,パターン展開法を応用し,土壌含水比が低い場合の特性を示す直線モデルパターンを考案したものである。現地調査で測定した土壌分光反射率データを用いて土壌水分推定を行った結果,パターン展開により算出した直線モデルパターン展開係数と土壌含水比の間に有意な関係が示された(r^2=0.72)。この際,土壌タイプの考慮は行わなかったことから異なるタイプの土壌を対象にした場合でも良好な精度の土壌水分推定値が得られることが示された。In this study, we conducted the measurements of soil spectral reflectance and soil moisture content, and vegetation surveys over ten plots within the prefectures of Tov, Dundgovi and Henti of Mongolian grasslands. We attempted to apply a method for estimating soil moisture content to the field measured data. We also collected the data of vegetation species by the quadrate method, and calculated the vegetation cover ratio. The soil spectral reflectance of land surface was measured using a spectroradiometer which had a sensor in visible and near infrared wavelength (Wavelength range : 350-1050nm). For an application to satellite imagery of optical sensors, four spectral bands were selected to be analyzed. The estimation method of soil moisture content by applying pattern decomposition has already been reported. In this investigation, we found that the soil spectral reflectance curve was steep when the soil moisture content is high, and becomes flat when the soil moisture content is low. Thus, in the pattern decomposition method, the flat model pattern is defined as the spectral reflectance pattern that corresponds to completely dried soil. The pattern decomposition coefficient for the flat model pattern was calculated from the pattern decomposition method using flat model pattern. The result of application of the suggested method to soil reflectance pattern from field survey showed a negative correlation (r^2=0.72) between soil water content and the pattern decomposition coefficient for the flat model pattern. This high correlation was shown throughout all the soil types in this study. The result of vegetation survey showed that there was a difference of soil water content between the two survey plots where low vegetation cover ratios were recorded. The reason for this result was assumed to be the effect of soil moisture deficiency or overgrazing

    モンゴル コクソウゲン ノ ショクセイ ト サイショクシコウセイ

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    Ulaanbaatar(ウランバートル)市を起点とした調査地域における植物種は39科122属207種であった。優占種はキク科,イネ科,バラ科,アカザ科であった。採草地では多様な植生が認められた北西地域では12科21種の種類が観察された。放牧地では,9科16種の多様な例やイネ科とキク科に偏った2科11種の例など地域によって植生は異なっていた。放棄畑地では,1科1種や2科3~4種から4科11種など放棄後の年数や年次により植生は変化していた。植物種は採食嗜好性の低いキク科やアカザ科が優占種であった。北西地域の放棄畑地においては,2004年の2科6種から2006年の8科14種に変化していたが,家畜放牧に適した草原植生には回復していなかった。北西地域草原の乾物草量(165.44±11.71g/m^2)は南西地域および南東地域に比べ有意に高く(p<0.01~0.05),最も低い地域は南東地域(55.88±9.42g/m^2)であった。マメ科潅木の「ハルガナ」(Caragana phygmaea)を草資源として考慮に入れた場合には,南西地域の草量は増加し,北西・北東・南西地域と南東地域間に有意差が認められた(p<0.01~0.05)。年次間では,2002年の乾物草量(76.43±14.58g/m^2)が最低,2003年が最高(169.97±49.12g/m^2)となり,2003年および2004年と他の調査年との間には有意な差異が認められた(p<0.01~0.05)。採食嗜好性は,イネ科の植物に対する嗜好性が高く,最高評点のスコアの植物が種類認められた(Stipa glareosa, S.krylovii, Achnatherum splendens, Agropyron crisratum, Elytrigia repens, Leymus chinesis, Poa pratensis)。キク科ではヨモギの一種「アイギ」(Artmisia gida)が全家畜で最高スコアであった。マメ科潅木の「ハルガナ」に対する家畜の採食嗜好性はラクダ・ヤギ・ヒツジでは4スコアと高く,このマメ科潅木は南西地域における重要な飼料植物資源であった。家畜の採食移動距離は年次や地域の草量状況により変動するが,ウマ(夜間)は15.13m/分であった。草量の豊かな地域では同じ場所を重複移動していたが,南西部(G地点)の草量の乏しい時(2002年)は重複移動が少なく平坦に移動していた。一方,ヤギの場合は昼間放牧であったが,採食移動距離は18.05m/分でウマより長かった。maintained or produced by grazing livestock. However, desertification caused by the development for arable land as well as over-grazing has recently become a concern. Therefore, to clarify the present conditions of plant resources in each region around Ulaanbaatar, we studied the relationships among vegetation and standing crop (DM), species, palatability and distances of nomadic movement of livestock. Plant species observed in each region around Ulaanbaatar were 207 species of 122 genera from 39 families. Dominant plant species were Asteraceae and Poacaee. In the northwest region (plot C-1, S), meadows showed diverse vegetation in general, and we could observe 21 species of 12 families. Pasture had a variety of vegetation in each region (plot B-1, C-2, Q, T) including 16 species of 9 families or 11 species of two families biased towards Asteraceae and Poacae. Regarding the abandoned cultivated land (plot B-2, B-3, R), the vegetation varied remarkably from 1 species of 1 family and 3 or 4 species of 2 families to 11 species of 4 families with time and rainfall after abandonment. Asteraceae plant, which has low palatability, was the dominant species in these areas. In the abandoned cultivated land (plot R) in the northwest region, plants of 6 species of 2 families were observed in 2004, and in 2006 14 species of 8 families, but the region had not yet recovered as good pasture for grazing livestock. Standing crops (DM) (165.44±11.71g/m^2) in the northwest region were signicantly greater than in the southwest and southeast regions (p<0.01~0.05). Standing crops in the southeast region showed the lowest value (55.88±9.42 g/m^2). When data on Caragana of Fabaceae plant (Caragana phygmaea) was added, plant matter in the southwest was increased signicantly, while that in the northwest, northeast and southwest was signicantly greater than in the southeast (p<0.01~0.05). Annual data showed that standing crop in 2002 was the lowest (76.43±14.58g/m^2), while in 2003 it was the highest (169.97±49.12g/m^2);standing crop levels were signicantly higher in 2003 and 2004 than in other years (p<0.01~0.05).Palatability of Pocacae plant was the best, and we observed 7 species of Stipa glareosa, S. krylovii, Achnatherum splendens, Agropyron crisratum, Elytrigia repens, Leymus chinesis and Poa pratensis which had a score of 5. For Asteraceae, the plant Artmisia gida had a score of 5 for all livestock. The palatability score of the Caragana plant to livestock was 4 for camels, goats and sheep, and 3 for cattle and horses. It was thus suggested that this legume shrub plant comprises a very important grassland resource in the southwest region, because of its high palatability as livestock feed. Although the distances of nomadic movement of livestock vary annually and are influenced by grassland resource conditions in each region, movement distance for horses was 15.13m/min. at night. Horses repeatedly moved across the same area for grazing in regions with diverse grassland resources. Distances for grazing of goats were 18.05m/min. in the daytime, which was a longer distance than for horses

    USLE ヲ モチイタ エチオビアコクヒガシショワチイキ ニ オケル ドジョウシンショク ノ ヒョウカ

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    エチオピア国では山林の伐採および耕作区域の拡大のため,土壌侵食による国土の荒廃が著しく,人々の生活を脅かす深刻な問題となっている。実際に,土壌侵食に伴う土壌栄養分の減少,干ばつおよび飢饉がエチオピアで頻繁に起こっている。生産性の高い表土のほとんどは侵食作用で削り取られ,結果として慢性の食糧不足および回復の困難な貧困がつづいている。土壌侵食は,エチオピア国において農業の持続性を脅かす重要な環境問題である。本研究の目的は,エチオピア国オロミア地域の東ショワ地帯を対象として,土壌流亡予測式(USLE)と地理情報システム(GIS)を統合することにより,広域的な土壌侵食の危険性を明らかにすることである。降雨量,地形,土壌および土地利用データをUSGSおよびエチオピア政府から入手し,GISを使用して広域データベースを作成した。その結果,侵食の程度が高い,非常に高い,著しい,非常に著しいと分類された面積が対象地域の74 %に上ることが明らかになった。それらの地域は北東地域,中央部及びと南部に分布し,主に耕作が繰り返されている土地や,家畜の放牧にさらされる潅木地と草原であった。Landscape degradation by soil erosion has increased considerably in Ethiopian lands due to deforestation of natural mountain forests and the cultivation of large areas, resulting in a serious threat to the Ethiopian population. In fact, soil erosion and nutrient depletion, drought and famine have frequently occurred in Ethiopia. Most of the productive topsoil has been degraded, resulting in chronic food shortage and persistent poverty. Soil erosion is a major environmental problem threatening the sustainability of agriculture. The purpose of this study is to establish spatial information of soil erosion risk at East Shewa Zone, Oromia Region in Ethiopia by conducting the integration of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) using Geographic Information System. Precipitation, topographic, soil data, and land use data were obtained from USGS records and from Ethiopian governmental offices and put into a spatial database using GIS. The factors that influence soil erosion are rainfall erosivitiy (R) obtained from the precipitation database, soil erodibility (K) obtained from the soil database, slope length and steepness (LS) obtained from the topographic database, while crop and management (C) and conservation supporting practices (P) were obtained from the land use database. The erosion analysis through USLE applied on GIS show that most of the lands is East Shewa zone (82%) are under high, very high, severe or very severe erosion and are covered mainly by cultivation, shrublands and grasslands. These lands essentially prone to erosion are located mostly in the northeast, center and south-west of the study area. This study presents the evidence for erosive areas repeatedly cultivated or frequently suggested for grazing such as shrublands and grasslands as is the case of most areas in East Shewa


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    There is a need for high cutting-edge technological ICT application in agriculturein order to embark on the current decline in agriculture labor force in Japan.However, few small-scale farmers are able or willing to risk significant capital onsensing technologies. There is a challenge in horticultural greenhouse farming toprovide a well-controlled microclimate environment to meet well-developed cropswith high yield and quality crop production while using fewer resources. In thisstudy, a cost-effective simplified smart agriculture system was developed anddeployed in small-scale tomato greenhouse farming in Nara, Japan. The systemreal-time information capability is used for monitoring crop environment for propercrop management. A spatiotemporal analysis was done to assess variations andunderstand the underlying microclimate conditions in the partitioned tomatogreenhouse (blocks). Crop production is done all year around (An average of 2.5times cropping cycle per one greenhouse block). Spatiotemporal analysis andstatistical analysis results show well-defined micro-climate control strategies thatcould relatively be used in greenhouse facility management to enhance cropcultivation while using less energy resource that is relatively cost-effective. Thereliability of the system data makes it efficient and consequently it could be usedfor accurate crop production planning, improvement in cultivation managementand support in decision-making regarding cultivation activities

    Canopy Height, Crown Cover, and Aboveground Biomass Maps for the Southwestern United States from MISR, 2000 and 2009

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    Red band reflectance factor data from NASA\u27s Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) were used to create maps of woody plant canopy cover, fractional height, and aboveground biomass for the southwestern United States, via inversion of a geometric-optical (GO) model provided with reflectance magnitude and anisotropy via a Li-Ross bidirectional reflectance distribution model. Crown cover, canopy height, and biomass distributions are compatible with those seen in other data sets, although there are anomalies associated with the use of the same set of background prediction coefficients over the 10-year period